1.1. Why cycle?

People choose to cycle because it has many benefits.

People choose to cycle because it has many benefits. Cycling is fantastic for our health. It is a low impact way to build muscle and boost fitness.  As well as the many physical health benefits, cycling is also excellent for a person’s mental wellbeing, and can really elevate a person’s mood and decrease stress levels.

Riding a cycle costs practically nothing once the cycle has been purchased. A cycle is considerably less expensive than maintaining a car and will continue to be a reliable companion for many kilometres as long as the cycle is checked regularly.

Furthermore, choosing to cycle rather than drive is significantly better for the environment, as it prevents the emission of carbon and other pollutants. There are an estimated one billion bikes in the world and in total they save over 238 million gallons of fuel every year. Travelling by bike instead of by car – even just once or twice a week – is a simple way to reduce your carbon footprint. Noise pollution is also reduced as you glide along and you get all the physical and mental health benefits of exercise too.

The benefits of cycling for children: health, social development and emotional wellness

  • Boys aged 10-16 who cycle regularly to school are 30% more likely to meet recommended fitness levels, while girls who cycle are seven times more likely to do so.
  • Cycling boosts confidence in children as it allows them to move independently. As children cycle, they become more aware of their body and their surroundings which helps them to gain confidence in their ability to navigate different environments.
  • Children who cycle tend to explore their local environments more, and in doing so develop a higher level of spatial awareness than others who choose not to cycle.
  • Cycling promotes cognitive development in children as it demands the rider to apply coordination, pedalling and control skills.
  • Cycling is great cardiovascular exercise as it raises the heart rate and increases stamina, building kids’ strength and muscle mass.
  • Cycling promotes exploration, social interaction and is an enjoyable way to stay active.
  • Healthy habits such as cycling lead to increased attendance and improved academic results.

